The Waning Tradition of the Holiday Card
My family has a holiday card tradition, as we all might. We tape all the holiday cards we have received to the inside of our front door. Most likely to remind us that someone out there loves or appreciates us. The friends and family that take time out of their days to buy cards and postage, write out some sentiments in each card, address and even lick an envelope. It’s a small token but it does make one feel appreciated, doesn’t it?
Every year I am enchanted by the idea of sitting down with my nicest pen (we all have that one) and writing out recaps or sentiments of the past year or things to come. Hopefully, while a songbird serenades me from my shoulder and a family of deer brings me hot chocolate with exactly ten marshmallows as snow gently falls outside. You can almost hear the wood crackling on the fire, smell the cookies in the oven… Well back to reality.
Most years I procrastinate to the very last minute. After rummaging through the many boxes of holiday cards I keep buying after the holidays are over (because, you know, sales). I will find an assortment waiting for me. Cards missing envelopes. And most will live in that box forever, envelope-less and alone. With my smattering of cards with their winter scenes, adorable Dr. Suess characters, and little birds on wintery branches I will set out and sign each one. Finding that some are already pre-signed by my husband from the Holidays past no doubt. I may never learn… But the goal I try to keep in mind is making my nearest and dearest feel appreciated and thought of each year. Some years are better than others but the goal remains the same.
Are Holiday Cards Outdated?
There are many reasons for the dip in sales and mailing out of holiday cards in recent years. Some reasons I stumbled on to were, more and more people do not own their own homes. Some may even end up renting for their whole adult lives. With the housing market what it is, moving frequently is also a very common reality. Have you tried to keep an address book updated lately?
There is also a valid concern for carbon emissions and the footprint of a single letter. The United States Postal Service has made strides to reduce carbon emissions and has seen a reduction in emissions from 2008 to 2019.
What about all that waste from year to year? We have that in mind when helping you pick papers for any of your upcoming projects! With options of papers that are recyclable, biodegradable, tree-free, acid-free, and elemental chlorine-free. Like 90% sugarcane from sugarcane stalks after they are crushed to extract their juice to make sugar. Or 100% pure cotton paper which is versatile and timeless.
Plantable papers pressed with flower or herb seeds. The texture and versatility of the seed papers are unmatched when looking for something with a more hand-made look and feel. Plus what a delightful addition to any card, it will turn into flowers!
Do You Want to See Them Stay or Go?

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